Name: Valentina Iovino
Current location: Spain
Languages spoken: Spanish
Started location&date: Spain July 2016
Certificate current status: July 2016
My name is Valentina Iovino and I have been involved in the world of nails for about ten years. I am one of the team members of MBA/Doctornails and I am the person responsible for teaching/ training at the Nail Academy ‘Liliana Paduano’ in Naples, Italy. My teaching method is very much influenced by my past studies in Medicine and Surgery. I am a great believer in the reconstruction of nails as a method of treatment for some serious nail diseases and I believe that it is possible to reconstruct nails whilst respecting natural beauty, health and the natural aspect of the nail. I do not disdain the world of Nail art and my natural artistic inclination has led me to have an artistic, multifaceted training with various International Masters and it is a training which embraces all techniques ranging from simply painting techniques to those which are sculptural, for example Nail Fantasy. I continually update my technical and artistic skills because I am eager to learn new things and because I want to be on the cutting edge.