Name: Tracy Anne Shelverton
Current location: The Netherlands
Languages spoken:
Started location&date: Bologna-Italy 2015
Certificate current status: November 2015
Contact: tracy@gorgo.nl
2015-2016 Wrote Anatomy and Pathology training for nail professionals
Working on Medical Manicure module for Medical Pedicures. (a world first)
Created criteria and Judged the Natural Nail pre National Soak Off Gel competition for the very first time in 2015.
Monthly Colom in Nail Design Magazine - Published in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France.
Working on translating Doug Schoons new books in Dutch and German.
Importer of Famous Names Products for the Nethelands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark since 2013.
4th in all Dutch National French Manicure Gel Competitions 2010,11, 12 and 13 and also 4th in all Dutch National Mixed Media Tip Box competitions in the same years
2nd in Belgium International Competitors Cup in 2012 French Manicure Gel.