Myung Hee Park
​Executive Director, Nailympion (International Nail Competition Organization)
Licensed attorney at law in the District of Columbia, USA
Global Business Director, DIAMI
Director for International Relations, Nailympion Asia
Certified member, International Nail Judge Association
Board member for Korean Association of Nail Knowledge Services
Judged in Hong Kong, Russia, the United States and Ukraine
Myung Hee Park is one of the key players at international nail competitions.
With her US license at law and bountiful experience at international issues, she has
been serving as the Executive Director for Nailympics Competition as whole, newly re-branded as Nailympion. Her main role is to supervise all Nailympion competitions to provide ONE well designed nail art competition system world widely. She believes that her
dedication will benefit competitors, judges, and organizers all together.
She is a young leader in the international nail business, as the global business
director at DIAMI, the Korean major professional nail brand. With her effort, the professional nail technicians enjoy DIAMI in Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Russia and more.
She is also a pioneer to the health care issues for nails in Korea. As a translator and
organizer, she has been passionately spreading knowledge on nail health issues. To advocate better on this important issue, she majored her second Master’s degree on Cosmetology Therapy with her thesis, “Comparative Study on Hygiene Education in Korea and Japan for Nail Salons”. With her academic efforts, she has built the education and service system at BongSoongA Group (NailXert) with four professional nail schools and 13 nail salons in Korea. She is a professor to teach classes for natural nail protection at ASIA LIFE University.
She has been orchestrating Nailympion Asia, one of the largest nail competitions at
Nailympion family and also among Asia region. As a certified judge, she has been fully
enjoyed diverse nail arts and styles in many different countries including Ukraine, the United States, Russia, and Hong Kong and more.
With her all enjoyment and experiences at international competitions, now she wants to encourage all nail professionals to step up and enjoy every journey at Nailympion, the largest nail competition network world-widely!