Name: Michela Santarsieri
Current location: Italy
Languages spoken: English and Italian
Started location&date: Italy November 2016
Certificate current status: November 2016
"The world of beauty and aesthetics has always fascinated me, but I decided to dedicate myself entirely to the nail industry, to which I went over in 2009.
At the beginning of my training, I have had experiences with different companies, up to know the Tatiana Monaco. Thanks to which I am always more convinced that this passion, was destined to also become my profession, although the path was long and complicated. It took me a passion, sacrifice, perseverance and commitment and this attitude has allowed me to become a staff member of her company, company that I could never be replaced with others.
I never ceased to form me with Tatiana since I met her on my formative journey, and I will never stop form me! Thanks to her, I also had the opportunity to learn from international Master. I think in this area should continue to be updated to improve and learn new and different techniques. I am blessed and honored to be part of Teknics staff.