Name: Mari Irimia
Current location:
Languages spoken: English and Italian
Started location&date:
Certificate current status:
Contact: borrell182@icloud.com
I start my studies in Spain in Barcelona, ​​at the academy Llongueras. I moved to Italy where I continued my training following a large number of internationally renowned master, participating with satisfaction at their courses. In 2014 I started working with various companies as master educator, giving teachings on the structure and nail art . Later I participated in some national and international competitions where I was awarded for the quality of the work made, these competitions have given me the opportunity to participate to the training for INJA where I had the title of judge. I am always looking for innovations to improve myself, I dedicate many hours to my training and I love to take courses and learn different techniques, this enriches me and gives me so much, to be able to take the best of everything in order to create my own style. I have many plans for the future, including continuing teaching, grow professionally and artistically, to participate in other competitions, both as a judge and as a competitor.