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Galina Zelenova


Zelenova Galina (Russia) is well known person in Beauty (nail) industry. She is a President of Company OleHouse (est. 1996), successful competitive coach.

The company OleHouse is famous worldwide for its basic education and competition trainings. A lot of nail tech from other countries are educated there. Graduates of OleHouse became prize-winners of European and World Championship, International competitions in Dusseldorf, Tokyo, Hong Kong, the Nailympics in Las-Vegas and London.

Zelenova is an author of professional bestsellers about manicure, pedicure and nail enhancement. These books have already been reprinted three times and currently they are the main educational material in nail tech preparation.

Since 2009 Zelenova – the President of International Nail Experts’ School (INES), established in Russia. This organization includes representatives from more than 12 largest nail companies in Russia. INES prepares judges for the national and international competitions, organizes and support national competitions and develops their conditions and criteria.

Zelenova was judging competitions in Las Vegas, London, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Dusseldorf.

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