Name: Dora Huerta López
Current location: Mexico
Languages spoken: Spanish
Started location&date: Puebla-Mexico 2015
Certificate current status: June 2015
I specialized in Design, Structure and Qualification of Acrylic Nails.
My purpose is to provide quality education and train professionals in the field with integrity since basic education is the pillar to reach the desired level. Let us remember that we must learn not to know more but to ignore less.
Executive Bilingual, Cultora de Belleza, Instructor in Acrylic Nails, Judge INJA (INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF JUDGES IN NAILS).
My work experience has always been in my own business imparting courses of acrylic nails and carrying out my trade.
Technical Career Executive Bilingual Secretary concluded on July 4, 2003.
Certificate of Completion in Advanced Decoration on acrylic nails completed on July 2 and 3, 2010.
Diploma for participation in the course of Thermal Forms Technician in nails concluded on March 15, 2012.
Diploma awarded by the Carmelite Personal Improvement Center successfully completing the Cultora de Belleza Profesional course approving the corresponding subjects in San Rafael Veracruz on August 10, 2012.
Honor Certificate provided by Spring Beauty Expo Veracruz High Level Platform on March 11, 2012.
ECIB Stylist Trained in Current Trends in Fashion and Beauty 20 and 21 May 2012.
Certificate of Baccalaureate granted by UPAV concluding my studies Medium High July 28, 2012
Diploma granted by Vilari Nail by Educator Ricky Lara for having participated in the Workshop of Faces and Hands in Nails Acrilicas in Martinez de la Torre Veracruz on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of March 2013.
Constancia endorsed by the Institute of Training for the Work of Edo. From Veracruz (ICAT VER) in Martínez de la Torre Veracruz completing successfully 40 hours; Extension of the Hair Beautification program provided by Professor and National Champion Alberto Mejía on the 13th of September 2013.
Diploma awarded by Hidracolor for participation in the colorimetry course on October 11, 2013.
Diploma endorsed by the Institute of Training for the Work of Edo. De Veracruz (ICATVER), successfully completing the Hair Beautification Course on November 1, 2013.
Diploma granted by Lic. Felipe Reyes Bautista specialist in Makeup and Visagism concluded in Mexico D.F. The 15 of November of the 2013.
Diploma awarded by Vilari Nail by Educator Adriana Espinoza for having participated in the workshop of Mano Alzada and 3D in Martínez de la Torre Veracruz on 28 and 29 March 2013.
Diploma awarded by EZ Flow, Nail System, Queen of the Nails, for attendance and participation in the Course on Improvement in Structure and Design of Acrylic Nails taught on April 9 and 10, 2014 taught by Instructor Verónica López Anguiano.
Diploma awarded by Paul Mitchell Professional Salon Products in Xalapa Veracruz by Instructors Paul Mitchell Julio Cruz and Roxana Hernández at the Veracruz Institute of Beauty Princess. Cut Update on June 11, 2014.
Diploma awarded by Doris Belem Silver Nail Coach Queen of the Nails completing the custom course on Acrylic Nails in San Martin Texmelucan on October 28, 2014.
Certificate of Participation endorsed by EZ Flow, Queen of the NAils, First Option and INJA for successfully completing the 30-hour Acrylic Nail Design training course in the "Design Magic 2015" taught by Lourdes Desfassiaux International Global Master Educator, Judge International Consul, Artist Educator and General Director in Puebla, Puebla Mexico on February 28 and March 2, 2015.
Certificate endorsed by INJA (International Association of Judges in Nails) for successfully completing the Training Course for Judge INJA taught by Lourdes Desffassiaux Vergara Judge Consul International and Lysa Comfort Director and Head Instructor; Concluding June 8, 2015.
Certified as Judge endorsed by INJA concluded on June 8, 2015 by Lysa Comfort (Director and Head Instructor) Director General of the INJA Association and Lourdes Desfassiaux V. Judge International Consul.
Ability as instructor in Design, Structure and Qualification of Acrylic Nails