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Name: Denise Ariotti

Current location: Italy

Languages spoken: Italian
Started location&date: Bologna-Italy 2012
Certificate current status: November 2016



There are few nails technicians that can success, because few have the courage to do what others do not do.
Competitions are an opportunity to growth professionally, challenge and improve.

I'm Denise Ariotti, author of the book: "How to Become a Successful Nail technician"

I help the nails technicians who want to participate in the competitions, to learn quickly and easily, the techniques and parameters needed to perform a proper job,
I lead them step by step, challenging themselves and tackling the stress of the race, learning through this workout to manage the stress of life and I support them in their path to bring them to become successful nails techinician, sought teachers and international champions.

I started my training course in 2007, attending courses organized by the most important companies in the nails industry.
In 2008 I became the first Master

International Judge of International Competition of INJA (International Association of Judges) since 2012

I'm one of the first Italian nail artists to achieve this title,
And since then I have done various experiences as a judge:

Member of the Jury at the International Championships in France 4-5 October 2013
Member of the Nailympics Jury in Rome 4-10 February 2014
February 2015 floor judge of Nailympics Italy
April 2015 Judge at International Championships in Kiev in Ukraine
April 2015 I teach my gel-face technique to a Masterclass in Ukraine,
This success is resumed by Kiev TVs.
February 2016 Jury member Nailympion Italy
April 2016 Member of the international jury Star Trek Roma
September 2016 Jury Member  Palermo Nailympion
October 2016 Jury Member Beauty Art Kiev
November 2016 Jury member competitions Munich
November 2016 Jury Member International Star Trek Rome Competition
May 2016 Jury Member International Competition Star Trek Rome

I work actively with industry companies in the preparation of company teams and in the training of teachers

I’m International Champion of French Sculpture
I’m International Mix Media Box Champion
I’m International Sculpture Champion 3d

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